Every year a group of parents get together to put an open air concert at the local school. Great fund raiser and gives the performers a feel of real value. A paying audience (£5.00 per person) can bring chairs, table, hamper, booze, candelabras, flags, rugs brollies etc, Parking very close to the site so nothing to much trouble.
Some seasoned campaigners even bring their own Gazebos.
Its a great night were parents and friends enjoy an evening of light music played to a very high standard. The night's finally is a firework show. 
The door open at 5:30 to about 300 souls and the concert starts at 7:30 finishing at 10:30.
Unfortunately this year disaster hit, Four of us put the two Gazebos up on Friday night, as usual and by Saturday (5:30) when we next had access to the school we found the mangled wreckage on the school roof. Photo shows part of the recovered wreckage.

But in true British spirit the concert went on inside with some of the audience in the corridors and as usual it was a Grrreeaaatttt Night.
This is the Dunkirk spirit all over again. And just goes to show that you can still overcome the odds and have a great time.