Monday 17 May 2010

Neil & Mairi's Wedding

A friend of ours got married on the 24/04/2010. It was a fabulous do and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day. I wrote the following just to remind us of the day.

I can't believe its Sunday, What ever happened to Saturday and Friday. Well, I know what happened to them but I can't believe its Sunday evening.

We have just got back from a hectic weekend. Just made a cuppa. Isn't funny how a cuppa at home beats any had anywhere else. The pigeons must have missed us as one has just left a message on the window - which Marie made me clean off.

We are still reeling ( In fact we were last night as well) so We will probably have to do this in a couple of posts.

Where to start -
Luck - Is being at the right place; at the right time; and acting.
Or “It’s an Ill wind “

Michelle wrote:
do you think it is the uncertainty of the election not helping? or people making the most of the lovely weather?

everywhere has gone scarily quiet at the minute, even Amazon where I usually get 20-25 orders a day i'm lucky to be getting 10, website was going great gun last week now very slow, the shop is extremely quiet thee hole village is too

not panicing yet as i'm sure it's just a temporary glitch, is it just me or anyone else noticing it?

So if I say thank goodness it’s been awful, – forgive me, Mairi chose the right week

Our little adventure started Friday, with the threat of everything Iceland could throw at us still present as we set off up the M6 counting vapour trails en-route. One ....Two ... and that was all. With a couple of honeymooners on our mind its was with relief that we saw a plane take off from Manchester as we headed north.

M6 was nose to tail until we past Haydock (North of Manchester) but from then on it got quieter and more enjoyable. The temperature when we left was 17'C and the skies where clear.

If you have traveled up the M6 you will know what I mean when I say just North of Lancaster the scenery is like a model railway set, the hills are bleak and steep; the road, the rail and the river follow the contours of the hills. The trees and the stone walls, only go so far and all stop at the same altitude. Any hamlet has brightly coloured houses but only following the road in single file, but occasionally you have some brave soul out on their own. The scales and distances covered are so immense that it looks just like a model.

We carried on up the M6 past Historic Carlisle, Gretna Green - with all its secrets, past Lockerbie and it's tragic story, on up till we hit the A702 junction where we stopped for a cuppa and take well earned break at the service station. Looking out of the cafe window we could have been on the period film set of "39 Steps". As we sat, sipping; A steam loco and a load carriage went flying down the track, Half expected to see Richard Hannay bring it to an emergency halt, dive out of his carriage an go haring down the Glenn. - 39 Steps re-lived.

To make it worse as we came out of the door there were dozens of ravens sitting around on railings and lamp post cawing and watching us - A scene from the "Birds."

The temprature was about 10'C at this time. We are now traveling on an "A" - A main "A" road - too lookat about the width of a good "B" road in the Midlands. ----and extreamily windy.

Must go and make a cuppa - back in a minute............

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