Friday 8 April 2011

Mornings, Peace and Serenity, and “La Weekend” to follow :-)

I love the mornings.
To "pad" around the house when everyone else is asleep, to have time for a cuppa and reflect, pure heaven made all the more enjoyable when opening the curtains to a cloudless sky. This morning was no exception, besides scaring the heron off as the curtains opened and startling the starling as it bathed, to be greeted with the view of the Magnolia at the bottom of the garden in all its glory, the low sun picking out the subtle colours of the flowers, with little green foliage to distract was a magnificent sight


  1. Lovely picture. I am a morning person too.

  2. Beautiful picture, Ralph! I'm not a morning person, but happy to look at your picture of it :-)
